Insurance Claims & Accident Attorneys

What Are My Rights?
As a victim under California law, you have the right to a settlement to repair any property damage like your car. You also have the right to loss of wages, as well as damages for medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering. You have the right to make decisions concerning your case, including whether to accept or reject any offer of settlement.
You do not need to get a car accident attorney in most cases, although they will make it much easier. It is also important that you document your case well. This includes your injuries. Remember, if it is not documented it did not happen. This is why it is so important that you find a chiropractor that not only understands the injury mechanics involved in whiplash, as well as, how to document it.
Finding the right chiropractor in Concord can be huge! So much depends on it. Primarily your health. First and foremost you need a doctor that specializes in spinal correction. Not just pain relief. If the problem is not corrected properly, you will have problems n the future. Secondly, you need a doctor that has training as an expert witness. Remember, if it is not documented, it did not happen. If your injuries are not documented correctly, the value of your case will be compromised.
For over 26 years, the doctors at Barton Chiropractic in Concord have been recognized as experts in med-legal health care. This is probably why so many attorneys from all over the state refer their clients to our office for whiplash reconstructive care.
If you have been involved in an automobile accident, there is a chance that you may have suffered whiplash. You may have even suffered some amount of permanent damage. This can only be detected, documented, and corrected by a doctor. How well it gets done is up to you and your doctor.
If you chose to hire an attorney, it is your attorney's job to represent you to the best of their ability and you have the right to fair, honest and competent legal representation.Your attorney must keep you informed of any significant developments in your case, keep the information you share confidential, and avoid any conflicts of interest. You have the right to a written fee agreement and to an accounting of all expenses and fees incurred in your case if you are awarded damages or receive a settlement. Your attorney must comply with all ethical and professional rules of conduct governing the practice of law in California and can be disciplined if they fail to do so. You have the right to change lawyers at any time. Hiring the right attorney to represent you will help protect your legal rights and the value of your claim.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 10:00am
Barton Chiropractic
1251 Monument Boulevard #140
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 685-2002